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Sermon Date 1993

January 3, 1993 Jesus Christ and Him Crucified Part 1
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Fred Malone
January 3, 1993 Jesus Christ and Him Crucified Part 2
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Fred Malone
January 10, 1993 Matthew #1: The Geneology of Christ
Matthew 1:1-16
Fred Malone
January 10, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Freedom From Satan and Sin

John 8:31-47
Fred Malone
January 17, 1993 Matthew #2: Joseph as a Righteous Man
Matthew 1:17-25
Fred Malone
January 17, 1993 Some Thoughts on the Lord's Supper
Luke 22:13-23, Acts 2:41,47, 1 Corinthians 11
Fred Malone
January 24, 1993 Matthew #3: Joseph: Humble and Faithful
Matthew 1:17-25
Fred Malone
January 24, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Freedom From the Law

Galatians 3:16-24, Galatians 2:16,19,21
Fred Malone
January 31, 1993 Matthew #4: The Saving Name of Jesus
Matthew 1:21
Fred Malone
February 7, 1993 Matthew #5: God's Sovereign Work in Mary and Us
Luke 1:26-56
Fred Malone
February 7, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Freedom From Death

Hebrews 2
Fred Malone
February 14, 1993 Matthew #6: Baptism and Repentence
Matthew 3
Fred Malone
February 14, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Freedom to Obey God

John 4:31-34, John 5:30, John 6:38
Fred Malone
February 21, 1993 Matthew #7: The Example of John the Baptist
Matthew 3
Fred Malone
February 21, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Freedom Through Discipline

Hebrews 12:1-13
Fred Malone
February 28, 1993 Matthew #8: John's Method and Message
Matthew 3
Fred Malone
February 28, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
How Should a Christian Respond to Daily Difficulties and Afflictions?

Hebrews 12:1-13
Fred Malone
March 7, 1993 #1 What it Means to be in Christ:
An Exposition of Romans 5:20

Romans 5:20
John Wilton
March 7, 1993 #2 What it Means to be in Christ:
An Exposition of Romans 5:20-6:2

Romans 5:20-6:2
John Wilton
March 8, 1993 #3 What it Means to be in Christ:
An Exposition of Romans 6:3

Romans 6:3
John Wilton
March 9, 1993 #4 What it Means to be in Christ:
An Exposition of Romans 6:4-7

Romans 6:4-7
John Wilton
March 10, 1993 #5 What it Means to be in Christ:
An Exposition of Romans 6:8-11

Romans 6:8-11
John Wilton
March 14, 1993 The Blessing of Being in Christ
Ephesians 1
Billy Andrews
March 14, 1993 Hated by the World, Loved by Christ
John 15:1-25
Jeff Pollard
March 14, 1993 Knowing Christ by Being Made Conformable to His Death
Philippians 3:10
James Kennedy
March 21, 1993 Matthew #9: Christ's Baptism and His Identification With Sinners
Matthew 3:13-16
Fred Malone
March 28, 1993 Matthew #10: I Love You and Am Pleased With You
Matthew 3:17
Fred Malone
March 28, 1993 They Have Been With Jesus
Acts 4:13
Dale Crawford
April 4, 1993 # 7 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Doctrine of God #1

Fred Malone
April 4, 1993 Matthew #11: The Temptation of Christ
Matthew 4:1-11
Fred Malone
April 11, 1993 # 8 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Doctrine of God #2

Fred Malone
April 11, 1993 The Resurrection: Living by the Risen Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-21
Fred Malone
April 18, 1993 # 9 1689 London Baptist Confession:
God's Communicable Attributes

Fred Malone
April 18, 1993 Matthew #12: Is God Really Good?
Matthew 4:1-11
Fred Malone
April 18 , 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
Defining Christian Liberty and the Regulative Principle

1 Corinthians 8
Fred Malone
April 25, 1993 #10 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of God's Decree #1

Fred Malone
April 25, 1993 Matthew #13: The Second Temptation of Christ
Matthew 3:5-7
Fred Malone
April 25 , 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty and Unity:
A Further Study of Christian Liberty Using Romans 14

Romans 14-15:7
Fred Malone
May 2, 1993 #11 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of God's Decree #2 Predestination

Fred Malone
May 2, 1993 Matthew #14: The Third Temptation
Matthew 4:8-11
Fred Malone
May 2, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU010
Walking in Guarded Liberty

1 Corinthians 8:9
Fred Malone
May 9, 1993 #12 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of God's Decree #3 Foreknowledge

Fred Malone
May 9, 1993 Matthew #15: The Lord's First Message
Matthew 4:12-13, Luke 4:14-30
Fred Malone
May 16, 1993 #13 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Questions Regarding Predestination

Fred Malone
May 16, 1993 Matthew #16: Follow Me & I will Make You Fishers of Men
Matthew 4:18-21
Fred Malone
May 16, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU011
Who is the Weaker Brother?

Romans 14:1, 1 Corinthians 8:7
Fred Malone
May 23, 1993 #14 1689 London Baptist Confession:
How Predestination Should Effect Our Lives

Fred Malone
May 23, 1993 Matthew #17: What Does a Fisher of Men Look Like?
Matthew 4:19-22
Fred Malone
May 23, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU012
The Stronger Brother

Romans 14:1, 1 Corinthians 8:7
Fred Malone
May 30, 1993 #15 1689 London Baptist Confession:
God's Sovereignty and Man's Responsibility

Fred Malone
May 30, 1993 Matthew #18: Jesus Christ Heals Sinful Lepers
Matthew 8:1-4
Fred Malone
May 30, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU013
Freedom From the Doctrines of Men

Romans 14:1-15:17
Fred Malone
June 6, 1993 #16 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Assurance of Salvation

Fred Malone
June 6, 1993 Matthew #19: The Healing of the Paralytic
Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12
Fred Malone
June 6, 1993 Matthew #20: The Great Faith of the Centurion
Matthew 8:5-10
Fred Malone
June 13, 1993 #17 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Creation-Conservative and Liberal Views

Fred Malone
June 13, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU014
Christian Liberty and Leisure

Romans 14:1-15:17, Mark 6:30-32
Fred Malone
June 13, 1993 Matthew #21: The Reaction to the Healing of the Paralytic
Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12
Fred Malone
June 20, 1993 #18 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Creation-True and False Views #1

Fred Malone
June 20, 1993 Matthew #22: The Lord's Care For Us
Mark 4:35-45
Fred Malone
June 20, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU015
Liberty, Leisure and our Time

Exodus 20:8-11, Romans 14:19-15:3
Fred Malone
Southern Baptist Founders Youth Conference (SBFYC)
June 21, 1993 People Who Met Jesus:
The Man Who "Came To" In Time (The Prodigal Son)

Luke 15:11-32
R. F. Gates
June 22, 1993 Seminar #1 Eternal Implications of Repentence and Faith
Matthew 4:17, Isaiah 59:2, Mark 9:43, Hebrews 10:11-18
Fred Malone
June 22, 1993 People Who Met Jesus:
The Man Who Lived for This World Only (The Rich Fool)

Luke 12:13-21
R. F. Gates
June 22, 1993 Heaven and Hell: The Reality of Hell
2 Thesselonians 1:8-10, Psalm 9:17, Matthew 10:28, Revelations 21:8
Cary Kimbrell
June 23, 1993 Seminar #2 Eternal Implications of Submission to Authority
Romans 13:1-2, Luke 2:41-52, 1 Samuel 15:23, Romans 14:23, Matthew 8:5-10 (partial recording)
Hal Wynn
June 23, 1993 People Who Met Jesus:
The Man Who Changed His Mind-The Theif on the Cross

Luke 23:27-43, Mark 15:22-32
R. F. Gates
June 23, 1993 Heaven and Hell: The Reality of Heaven
2 Thesselonians 1:8-10
Cary Kimbrell
June 24, 1993 Seminar #3 Eternal Implications of Promiscuity
Proverbs 5
Tim Seal
June 24, 1993 People Who Met Jesus:
The Man Who Knew What He Needed

Luke 18:9-14
R. F. Gates
June 24, 1993 Heaven and Hell: The Essence of Hell
2 Thesselonians 1:8-10, Matthew 8:11-12, 22:13, 25:30; Revelations 14:10, Luke 13:24-30
Cary Kimbrell
June 25, 1993 People Who Met Jesus:
The Man Who Perished Without Trying-The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31
R. F. Gates
June 25, 1993 Heaven and Hell: The Essence of Heaven
2 Thesselonians 1:8-10, Revelations 21:1-4, Revelations 19:1-4, Revelations 21:23-24
Cary Kimbrell
End of Southern Baptist Founders Youth Conference Sermons
June 27, 1993 #19 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Creation-True and False Views #2

Fred Malone
June 27, 1993 Matthew #23: God's Sovereign Care Over Every Storm
Mark 4:35-45
Fred Malone
June 27, 1993 Repentence and Faith
Fred Malone
July 4, 1993 #20 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Importance of Sound Doctrine

2 Timothy 3:12-4:4, Acts 20:28-31
Jeff Pollard
July 4, 1993 The Pride of Man Humbled and the Glory of God Exhated
Psalm 8:3-4
Billy Andrews
July 4, 1993 Jonah Running With God and at God
Jonah 3-4
Mitch Axsom
July 11, 1993 #21 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Creation and Roles of Men and Women

Fred Malone
July 11, 1993 Matthew #24: The Woman Who Touched Jesus
Mark 5:25-34
Fred Malone
July 11, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU016
Christian Liberty and our Finances

Romans 14:19-15:3, Matthew 6:19-34
Fred Malone
July 18, 1993 #22 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Man Created-With the Ten Commandments on His Heart

Fred Malone
July 18, 1993 Matthew #25: Christ Heals the Demoniac
Mark 5:1-20
Fred Malone
July 18, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU017
Christian Liberty in Borrowing and Insurance

Romans 14:1-15:17, Deuteronomy 15:1-11
Fred Malone
July 25, 1993 #23 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Applications of "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

Fred Malone
July 25, 1993 Matthew #26: A Sabbath Day Miracle
Mark 2:23-3:6
Fred Malone
July 25, 1993 Christian Freedom, Liberty & Unity: FLU018
Christian Liberty and the Sabbath Part 1

Mark 2:23-28, Matthew 12:3-8
Fred Malone
August 1, 1993 #24 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Divine Providence #1

Fred Malone
August 1, 1993 #25 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Divine Providence #2

Fred Malone
August 2, 1993 Justification-More Than Forgiveness
Romans 8:28-32
Conrad Mbewe
August 8, 1993 The Love of God for His Children
1 John 3:1-3
Mike Vargo
August 8, 1993 Jesus Christ is Altogether Lovely
Song of Solomon 5
James Kennedy
August 15, 1993 Our Love-Sickness for Christ
Song of Solomon 5:8
Dale Crawford
August 15, 1993 Our Responsibility in Sanctification
1 Thesselonians 5:12-24
Dale Crawford
August 22, 1993 Confession, Cleansing, and Forgiveness of Sin in the Christian
1 John 1-2:2
Fred Malone
August 22, 1993 Matthew #27: Come Unto Me
Matthew 11:20-30
Fred Malone
August 29, 1993 #26 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Divine Providence #3

Fred Malone
August 29, 1993 Matthew #28: The Parable of the Sower: An Introduction-Why Speak in Parables?
Matthew 13:1-23
Fred Malone
September 5, 1993 Matthew #29: The Parable of the Sower: The Hard Soil or the Wayside Hearer
Matthew 13:3-4
Fred Malone
September 12, 1993 #27 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Fall of Man #1

Fred Malone
September 12, 1993 Matthew #30: The Parable of the Sower: The Rocky Soil
Matthew 13:5-6
Fred Malone
September 12, 1993 Love One Another: The 'Missing Link' in Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Fred Malone
September 19, 1993 #28 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Fall of Man #2-The Covenants of Works and Grace

Fred Malone
September 19, 1993 Matthew #31: The Parable of the Sower: The Thorny Soil
Matthew 13:7
Fred Malone
September 19, 1993 The Assurance of Salvation #1:
Perseverance and Preservation of the Saints
The Need for Christian Assurance

1 John 5:13
Fred Malone
September 26, 1993 #29 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Fall of Man #3-The Relationships of the Covenants

Fred Malone
September 26, 1993 Matthew #32: The Parable of the Sower: The Good Soil
Matthew 13:8
Fred Malone
September 26, 1993 The Assurance of Salvation #2:
Effects and Grounds of Assurance

1 John 5:13
Fred Malone
October 3, 1993 Christ's Strength for Doubting Saints
Matthew 11:2-19
Mitch Axsom
October 3, 1993 Ye Are Not Your Own
1 Corinthians 6:15-20
Jeff Pollard
October 10, 1993 #30 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Fall of Man #4-Remaining Sin

Fred Malone
October 10, 1993 Matthew #33: The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven
Matthew 13:31-33
Fred Malone
October 10, 1993 The Assurance of Salvation #3:
Saving Faith in Christ Alone

1 John 5:13
Fred Malone
October 17, 1993 #31 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Covenant of Grace #1

Fred Malone
October 17, 1993 Matthew #34: The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Matthew 13:24-30
Fred Malone
October 17, 1993 The Assurance of Salvation #4:
Evidences of Salvation

2 Corinthians 5:17
Fred Malone
October 24, 1993 #32 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Covenant of Grace #2

Fred Malone
October 24, 1993 Matthew #35: The Parables of the Hidden Treasures and the Good Pearls
Matthew 13:44-46
Fred Malone
October 24, 1993 The Assurance of Salvation #5:
The Inward Witness of the Spirit

Romans 8:16
Fred Malone
October 31, 1993 #33 1689 London Baptist Confession:
The Covenant of Grace #3

Fred Malone
November 7, 1993 #34 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Christ the Mediator #1

Jeff Pollard
November 7, 1993 Matthew #36: How to Witness to Our Families
Matthew 13:53-58, Mark 6:1-6
Fred Malone
November 14, 1993 #35 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Christ the Mediator #2 The Prophet

Jeff Pollard
November 14, 1993 Matthew #37: Jesus' Manual for Evangelism
Matthew 10
Fred Malone
November 14, 1993 The Christian Home #1: An Introduction: Understanding the Relationship of Husband and Wives
Ephesians 5:14-33
Fred Malone
November 21, 1993 #36 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Christ the Mediator #3 The Priest

Jeff Pollard
November 21, 1993 Matthew #38: John the Baptist Questions Jesus
Matthew 11:1-19
Fred Malone
November 21, 1993 The Christian Home #2: God's Instructions for the Husband
Ephesians 5:21-30
Fred Malone
November 28, 1993 #37 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Christ the Mediator #4 The King

Jeff Pollard
November 28, 1993 Matthew #39: The Consequences of Rejecting Christ's Kingdom
Matthew 11:16-24
Fred Malone
November 28, 1993 The Christian Home #3: God's Instructions for the Wife
Ephesians 5:18-33
Fred Malone
December 5, 1993 #38 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Free Will #1

Fred Malone
December 5, 1993 Matthew #40: How God Saves Sinners
Matthew 11:25-27
Fred Malone
December 5, 1993 The Christian Home #4: More on God's Instruction for the Husband
Ephesians 5:25-33
Fred Malone
December 12, 1993 #39 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Free Will #2

Fred Malone
December 12, 1993 Matthew #41: Christ's Rest for the Weary
Matthew 11:28-30
Fred Malone
December 12, 1993 The Grace of God has Appeared
Lord's Supper Message
Titus 2:11-3:8
Fred Malone
December 19, 1993 #40 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Effectual Calling #1

Fred Malone
December 19, 1993 Simeon Sees God's Salvation
Luke 2:25-33
Fred Malone
December 19, 1993 The Christian Home #5: Communication in Marriage Part 1
Ephesians 4:25-32
Fred Malone
December 26, 1993 #41 1689 London Baptist Confession:
Of Effectual Calling #2

Fred Malone
December 26, 1993 Simeon's Declaration
Luke 2:34-35
Fred Malone
December 26, 1993 The Christian Home #6: Communication in Marriage Part 2
Ephesians 4:25-32
Fred Malone
Wednesday Night
January 20, 1993 God's Mercy and Grace in Saving Sinners
1 Timothy 1:5-17
Mitch Axsom
November 10, 1993 The Truth of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures: How it Purifies Our Soul to Love
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Fred Malone
November 17, 1993 Loving Christ
1 Peter 2:1-10
Fred Malone
December 1, 1993 How We Bare Witness to the World in our Suffering
1 Peter 2:11-25
Fred Malone
December 29, 1993 Suffering and our Battle With Sin
1 Peter 4:1-6
Fred Malone
Ladies' Bible Study
February 14, 1993 #2 Your Husband and the Fear of God
Matthew 10:16-39
Fred Malone
March 4, 1993 #3 Fear God, Not Your Children
Matthew 10:16-39
Fred Malone
March 25, 1993 #4 Fear God, and Love Your Parents
Matthew 10:16-39
Fred Malone
Beginning the book:Inside Out
by Larry Crabb
April 8, 1993 #5 Inside Out
Chapter 1:Real Change Requires an Inside Look
Fred Malone
April 22, 1993 #6 Inside Out
Chapter 1:Real Change Requires an Inside Look Part 2
Matthew 23:23-26, James 4:3, Timothy 1:5
Fred Malone
April 29, 1993 #7 Inside Out
Thirst For God
Fred Malone
May 20, 1993 #8 Inside Out
Becoming Aware of our Thirst
1 Timothy 1:5
Fred Malone
June 3, 1993 #9 Inside Out Chapter 7-8
The Sins of Self-Protection &
Fred Malone
July 9, 1993 #10 Inside Out Chapter 9
Exposing Wrong Directions
Fred Malone
September 9, 1993 #11 Inside Out Chapter 10
Defining the Problem
Fred Malone
September 23, 1993 #12 Inside Out Chapter 11
The Power of the Gospel
Fred Malone
October 14, 1993 #13 Inside Out Chapter 12
What it Takes to Deeply Change
Fred Malone
November 11, 1993 #15 Loving and Forgiving Fred Malone
December 9, 1993 #16 Encouragement-The Key to Caring Fred Malone
Southern Baptist Founders Conference 1993
1993 #1 Devotional Exposition of a Psalm Richard Moore
1993 #2 Our Pagan Culture and the Mission of the Church
Titus 3:1-8
John MacArthur
1993 #3 Prayer in the Book of Acts
Acts 1:4, 2:42, 6:4, 4:23-31
Jess Smith
1993 #4 Preservation & Perseverance of the Saints:
A Promise and a Command
Tom Ascol
1993 #5 A Biblical Theology of Preaching
Joe Nesom
1993 #6 Preach the Word of God With Authority
Titus 2:15
John MacArthur
1993 #7 The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
David Dockery
1993 #8 The Origin of the Southern Baptist Convention
Timothy George
1993 #9 The Pastor as Evangelist
John Wilton
1993 #10 Where is our Doctrine of Sin?
John MacArthur
1993 #11 A Biography of B.H. Carroll
Bill Ascol
1993 #12 Holding Forth in Prayer & Preaching
Dr. Walter Johnson
Southern Baptist Founders Conference Southwest
1993 Psalm 143
Rick Allen
1993 Power Religion
Jess Smith
1993 Spiritual Pride
Robert Selph
1993 Effectual Calling
Fred Malone
1993 Comming to Christ
R.F. Gates
1993 Encouragement for Christ's Servants
R.F. Gates