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Our Distinctives

God-Centered Worship: God and His glory are at the center of public Christian worship. This means that Christians must enter worship with a spirit of humility, submission, and faith. Rather than seeking to have our senses stimulated, our preferences satisfied, or desire for entertainment fulfilled, we seek to honor God in public worship by practicing only the elements that He has commanded in His Word, and laying hold of them by faith. That means we sing hymns that declare God's glorious person and works. We pray as children seeking to express our love to our Father. And most of all, we hear His Word proclaimed in order to worship Jesus Christ and submit to His teachings in our lives.

God-Centered Evangelism: Too much evangelism today turns God into a mere means to get something other than God. It focuses on "What God can do for you to give you the life you want, to pay your bills, to make your life easy, etc." This is man-centered evangelism which uses God. But the Bible teaches that God is our Creator, Judge, and Savior. God-centered evangelism focuses on the greatness and holiness of God, who judges our sins in righteousness. And it focuses on the mercy of God our loving Savior, who rescues us from our sins. Faithful evangelism calls men to repent of sin, to believe in Jesus Christ as our only refuge from the wrath to come, and to obey God's commands every day so that our lives can be reshaped into the likeness of Jesus Christ. God-centered evangelism produces Christians who do not ask what God can give them in this world but who seek God as an end in Himself. God Himself is the treasure of those who trust in Him.

God-Centered Living: The goal of salvation in Jesus Christ is not merely the comfort of the believer. Many gifts come to Christians, such as the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and God's daily loving care. However, God saves sinners in order to make them saints. He saves them to make them good and holy. Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:!5). The goal of a Christian is not to escape all the trials of this life but to be faithful to God in all trials. True conversion always results in changed lives, which more and more reflect the life of Jesus Christ.